To minimize or not? That is the question…
- 16/01/2019
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Can you spot the difference? Same woman, same clothing, same day… what a change a correctly fitted bra can make to your shape and appearance! Its the same body in both images, but the one on the right gives a more flattering figure and the appearance of a smaller bust while still showing off her amazing curves!
We often get asked for minimizer bra’s, with many women believing this is the best and only way to reduce the size of their bust and improve their overall body proportions. Sure, a minimizer will reduce the forward projection of your bust making it appear smaller from a side profile, but to achieve this it compresses the bust downwards and spreads it out under the arms. From the front this will make the bust look wider, out of proportion to the rest of the body, and make the torso appear shorter.
In contrast a correctly fitted bra, in a style that suits your shape will instead lift the bust making it sit higher, adding length to the torso. It will also bring the bust forward, and away from the underarms creating a silhouette that is more in proportion with the rest of your body and one that emphasizes your waist. So if you want to look and feel better in your clothing… a correctly fitted bra is a good place to start